Knowing He is the Lord
Scripture 1 Kings 20:13 Suddenly a prophet approached Ahab king of Israel, saying, “Thus says the LORD: ‘Have you seen all this great multitude? Behold, I will deliver it into your hand today, and you shall know that I am the LORD.’ ”
Observation: How many times in my life has God proved to me that He is the Lord? He has done so many miracles and I missed so many shrugging them off as coincidences. I know now that He is Lord of my life and the Holy Spirit has opened my eyes to see what God has done for me. Now I depend on Him as He has called me to do this study on Heaven. I’m not worthy or capable to speak to His children and the success will fully depend on my Lord. I look forward to the end and see the impact it will make on the people that attend and myself and know that my God is the Lord of my life.
Application: I need to trust my God with everything. I need to trust Him in the works He has called me to do now that I’m saved. If in my heart I know it is from God I need to surround everything that I am to His mercy and have Him fight the battle He has chosen for me. When this life is over I want to behold my God and bow to my Lord for all He has done through His servant.
Prayer: My Lord I thank you for all the battles you fought for me. I thank you for always being there for me and using me to help others. Please take this laziness from me and continue to do a good work through me and show me what you desire me to do and what rewards you have set before me. My true reward is having you as my Lord, Father and savior.