We are Appointed
Scripture 1 Chron 6:31 Now these are the men whom David appointed over the service of song in the house of the LORD, after the ark came to rest.
Observation: As David appointed people to do different services, like song, God appoints us for service. In that service it is something we are gifted and have a desire to do. There are no exceptions everyone has a job to do. I don’t believe mine is in song, however God has gifted me with an ability to organize food related events, to cook and a gift of detail and instruction. Lately God has called me to speak as I’m just about to finish the Heaven study, which has been one of the most wonderful things God has allowed me to do.
Application: I need to step up more and never say no to someone asking my help. I need to stay in prayer and ask for direction on how God wants me to use the gifts he has given me and ask for even more gifts to glorify His name. I need to stop being so lazy and get off my butt and start making a difference for God’s glory.
Prayer: Dear Lord get me going for your glory and not mine. Use me please and all you have given me to make an impact for you on this earth. Whether serving, speaking or helping others use me that I may finish well and please you. I love you Father and only want to please you.