Relying on the Lord
Scripture 2 Chron 13:18 Thus the children of Israel were subdued at that time; and the children of Judah prevailed, because they relied on the LORD God of their fathers.
Observation: How often do we rely on our Lord? We may pray and hope for an answered prayer, but do we rely on Him every day for our needs and direction? Relying is when we don’t worry because we know it will be taken care because we depend on our Lord for everything. No matter what the outcome it is in God’s hand and we rely on Him to guide us through any and all trials. Relying on God means we no longer rely on others or even ourselves. We pray and ask for direction each day and live a life according to His word and will.
Application: I still rely on myself to get through each day for the most part. While I’m doing that I know I’m missing God’s will and purpose. I need to pray proverbs 3:5,6 each day and depend and trust Him with this life He has given me, it’s still His, I have it on loan. I need to trust in the Lord with all of my heart and not lean on my own understanding, but in all of my ways acknowledge Him and He will make my paths straight.
Prayer: Dear Lord I am stubborn and self-centered. Free me from this so that I may see your direction for this life. I want to please you above all things help me stay focused on you. I want to finish well, please guide and direct me and that all that happens to me, that you get the glory.