Seek the Lord and You Will Find Him
Scripture 2 Chron 15:2 And he went out to meet Asa, and said to him: “Hear me, Asa, and all Judah and Benjamin. The LORD is with you while you are with Him. If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you.
Observation: Being a good child of God is a two way street, God isn’t going to do all of the work He desires more from us. God is with us when we are with Him, when we are reading His word, praying, doing His will God is with us watching over us, but if we are sinning God cannot stand sin and He no longer is with us until we ask for forgiveness. God is always there but we need to seek Him to find Him. If we have no interest in God He can be right in front of us and we’ll never see Him. If we decide to forsake God and go our own way or the enemy’s way God will have nothing to do with us and will allow us to take the sinful journey away from Him, it’s our choice.
Application: I need to realize I have a responsibility in this journey of life. God will be there for me when I search Him out, if I acknowledge God before others He will acknowledge me before the Father, but if I forsake my Lord then I’m left alone to deal with things I can’t deal with. God has a wonderful journey in store for me I just need to be close to Him at all times and not wander off the path, but stay close to my Dad.
Prayer: My Lord help me stay focused on you. Take any sinful, lustful, selfish ways from me and make my heart pure. May I seek you in the morning till the time I fall asleep at night, may I be an example of your love to others.