The Lord is Watching
Scripture 2 Chron 16:9 For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him. In this you have done foolishly; therefore from now on you shall have wars.”
Observation: Our God knows all and sees what we are doing. He knows who is faithful to Him and obedient to His commands. We can’t fool or hide from Him, He has blessing and rewards to those who seek Him and He trials for those who don’t in hope their eyes might be opened. God’s goal is to bring us to eternal life through Jesus Christ and do it with free will. He’s watching and guiding us, but allowing us the final decision.
Application: God knows when I’m on and off the path He chooses for me I can’t justify my actions he knows the truth, better than I do. I need to live my life knowing that He is watching me so when I think I’m doing something in private, there is no such thing when it comes to God.
Prayer: Dear Lord please guide me and give me strength not to sin and to seek you always. Help me live a life that will honor you and be pleasing. I want to finish well, but I stray so often, I need you Lord to keep me walking towards you, hold my hand and guide this servant. I love you and want to glorify Your name.