Loving God from Our Heart
Scripture 2 Chron 17:6 And his heart took delight in the ways of the LORD; moreover he removed the high places and wooden images from Judah.
Observation: There is a difference from following God’s commands and taking delight in doing so. To do because you feel you should or have to opposed to doing it because you desire to do so. To love someone so much that it pleases you to serve them and to make them happy that’s the way God wants us to obey His commands. When we get to this point our greatest desire is to please our Lord and when we are serving Him, we know this is what brings me joy, that is what pleases God.
Application: That is the way I need to serve not because it is what I feel I’m supposed to do but rather that I want to do it above anything else, because it pleases God. I served this last Saturday at the beach serving hot dogs at our Oceanfest, I enjoyed doing it because I knew it honored God, but I still thought how nice it would have been to do something else, like sleeping in. That’s not the way it should be, I want it to be that there is nothing else I would rather do than to have that opportunity to glorify God. I need to change my heart.
Prayer: Dear lord give me a heart for you that you are the first thing on my heart and my only desire is to please you. Take this heart of stone and make it flesh and take it for yourself, that it will serve you in the way that pleases you. I love you and I want my life to show you that.