What’s Good in the Lord’s Sight
Scripture 1 Chron 19:13 Be of good courage, and let us be strong for our people and for the cities of our God. And may the LORD do what is good in His sight.”
Observation: We always have a preconceived way of things turning out. We’ll pray for a specific result and when we don’t get that result we think that God is not answering our prayer. We forget that no is an answer and that God has a plan for our life. When something doesn’t go according to our plan we need to seek God to see what His plan might be. We want things to go the way God wants them and not us. God is working things out for our good no matter how we might feel at any particular time.
Application: I need to always pray that God will direct me and not for God to do as I want. I’m here as my Lord’s servant not the other way around and I need to be open to what He desires. I need to stay in prayer and in God’s word doing what He calls me to do and be aware of how He is directing my path each day.
Prayer: My Lord may the way I live this life be good in your sight. I want to follow each one of your commands and stay in your will. Help me please do exactly that and that a day doesn’t go by that I don’t bring a smile to your face. I love you and you deserve my very best.