When We Are Strong We Are Stupid
Scripture 2 Chron 26:16 But when he was strong his heart was lifted up, to his destruction, for he transgressed against the LORD his God by entering the temple of the LORD to burn incense on the altar of incense.
Observation: Uzziah reigned in Judah for 52 years. He did what was right in the Lord and the Lord protected him and allowed him to prosper. He got to the point where, that he forgot about God and thought it was all him. He disobeyed God and paid the price and all that he did with God is gone and he spent the rest of his life as a leper. That is why we go through trials to keep us weak and dependent on God, but when everything is going well we think we can do it without him and that is when we truly fail and a life time of blessings can become an instant curse because we forgot our first love.
Application: My mind is always going and I think way too much. I get confident in my abilities and think I can do things on my own and will take the credit for something that God allowed me to do. I need to stay dependent on my Lord and never get over confident of the gifts and abilities that God has given me, because they were given to me for God’s glory and not my own.
Prayer: My Lord humble your servant and be with me always. Apart from you I can do nothing, but I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Keep me close and show me how to always give you the glory, for you deserve all of my praise, worship and obedience. Help me finish well.