Do What’s In Your Heart
Scripture 2 Chron 29:10 Now it is in my heart to make a covenant with the LORD God of Israel, that His fierce wrath may turn away from us.
Observation: Before you do something for the Lord make sure it’s from your heart and not your head. Our Lord wants and deserves our love and obedience which comes from wanting to give those things and not from feeling we have to. God loves us freely, He doesn’t have to but he loves us from His heart and desires that we love Him back. So when we make a promise to God it needs to be from the heart, that we want to do it in glory and honor to Him and not because we might think we’ll get something out of it. God knows our motives and our heart and cannot be deceived.
Application: I need to grow close to God and to try to understand His love for me and to love my God with all of my heart, mind and soul. He deserves the very best I can give and I need to dedicate myself to giving it to Him. Whatever I commit to do for my Lord it has to come from a desire to please Him and not out of obligation.
Prayer: My Lord you are worthy of all of my love, praise, obedience and time. Help me give you these things in a way that will honor and please you. I love you with all of my heart and I want to get this right before I come home. Help this sinner please.