When God Commands
Scripture 2 Chron 35:21 But he sent messengers to him, saying, “What have I to do with you, king of Judah? I have not come against you this day, but against the house with which I have war; for God commanded me to make haste. Refrain from meddling with God, who is with me, lest He destroy you.”
Observation: If God commands you or someone else do what He commands. Do not get in the way of God’s will, but be in it. If someone is doing God’s will see if you can help in any way or get out of the way. It’s easy enough to distinguish God’s will, if it aligns with scripture and glorifies God it is of God. God may call us to do things that seem strange to us, but always take it to prayer to see how God will use it to fulfill His purpose. King Josiah was the king who got in the way of God’s plan and he was defeated and died. Be on the side of God and be blessed.
Application: I get so involved in me and what I am doing for God I make myself unaware of how God is using others and that He may what me to help them. God has used so many people in my life to guide and help me, as a matter of fact I don’t remember doing anything to glorify God that didn’t involve others. All the outreaches I have done in God’s name involved so many people, even my testimony can only touch others by people helping me find a way to reach them.
Prayer: My Lord guide me in your plan for my life and may I assist others in the plan you have for them. I’m a servant and a servant serves his Master and the guests of his Master. May I be a faithful servant glorifying your name.