Praising and Giving Thanks
Scripture Ezra 3:11 And they sang responsively, praising and giving thanks to the LORD: “For He is good, For His mercy endures forever toward Israel.” Then all the people shouted with a great shout, when they praised the LORD, because the foundation of the house of the LORD was laid.
Observation: Praising and giving thanks should be our natural response when we think of our God, but we seem to be preoccupied with our own selves. When we wake up we should be praising and thanking God that we have another day to build up treasures in Heaven, when we eat we should be thankful that we have food, if we work be thankful that we have a job and skills that can be used to make a living. For every breath we should be praising our heavenly Father and if we did our life would be so full of joy and we would get the blessing He wants to give us. Can you imagine a whole day spent with Dad? It’s a shame that the enemy and this sinful place distracts us so easily.
Application: I need to practice what I preach. I need to get up in the morning and not worry about any aches or pains put to give glory to God before anything and then remain with my Lord all day long finding things to give Him praise for and there are so many. I love my wife so much, but how many times in a day do I thank God for her, every good gift is from above. If someone was to give me a gift right now I would thank them so how much more should I thank my father for each gift as I receive them in the course of a day.
Prayer: My Father I thank you for all you give me each day and all the evil you keep from me. I give you thanks and praise and your mercy endures forever. I love you Father may I be an obedient child that brings you pleasure.