To Proud To Help
Scripture Neh 3:5 Next to them the Tekoites made repairs; but their nobles did not put their shoulders to the work of their Lord.
Observation: Sometimes we feel we’re too good to get dirty and help, that our time is too precious. Everything we have comes from God and that includes our time. We are set apart to do good works and typically good works is just that work. Jesus turned his back on no one, He was always ready to help and do what it takes. One thing that should set us apart from others is our willingness to help no matter what and that the most important thing to us is doing God’s will. No matter what our position is in this world our true position is servant, according to our Lord who came to serve all.
Application: I need to remember this as I set myself apart at times because the way God has blessed me. He has taken care of all of my needs and has blessed me with gifts and talent. May I never forget all that He has given me is for His glory and not my convenience. I’m called to help and be part of the body and to be used by God. It’s time that I become useful.
Prayer: My Lord you know me all the evil and selfishness that is in me and yet you still love me. I don’t understand your love, but I do what to honor you with whatever time I have left here in this world. Help me please see others as you see them and give me the strength to persevere through this live and do what honors you. I love you, your servant, Mark.