Doing What Is Right By The Lord
Scripture Neh 5:15 But the former governors who were before me laid burdens on the people, and took from them bread and wine, besides forty shekels of silver. Yes, even their servants bore rule over the people, but I did not do so, because of the fear of God.
Observation: If you look anywhere on this earth you see people taking advantage of other people. Governments oppressing people, taking what little they have, the rich taking from the poor, people cheating others and we feel at times we must do the same to keep up with all of this evil, but that is not what God calls us to do. We are to take care of others, fight oppression, help those that need it and to treat others fairly no matter how we might be treated. If we fear God we will do what He calls us to do and to be generous of all the Lord has given us.
Application: I do cheat whether it’s taking something from work or not giving what I’m supposed or cheating on my taxes. I want to keep whatever I have and all that I have was given to me by my Lord. I need to be more generous and fair with all that I have and that includes my time. I need to look at others as God’s children and my God is a protective Father. I need to see others as God sees them and never cheat anyone, but to give unconditionally.
Prayer: My Lord I’m selfish and I worry all the time about money and how I will pay the bills I have accumulated. Help me be more generous and take this burden from me I beg of you. Show me how to be more generous towards your children and my focus would be on you.