Doing Things in God’s Strength
Scripture Neh 6:16 And it happened, when all our enemies heard of it, and all the nations around us saw these things, that they were very disheartened in their own eyes; for they perceived that this work was done by our God.
Observation: If we know God wants us to do something, but it seems too big for us to do, good. God wants others to see Him through our love, effort and compassion. He wants us to do things that we can’t do on our own so others can see Him. We spend more time being afraid of trying things that we don’t try anything. If you tell others that you are a child of God, then act like one. If you were a child of a millionaire and told others you were going to buy a new car, no one would be surprised because your father could afford it, so when we go out and attempt to do something above our means no one should be surprised that it becomes accomplished through the strength of your Father.
Application: Well of I can practice what I preach. I’m afraid to do anything lately. I’ve become so lazy and I’ve lost my compassion. God has given me so much and He gave it to me to help others and to show his love to many. I’ve gotten to the point all I do is lay around and watch television and on the rare occasion attempt something for my God. I don’t know if God is trying to talk to me and I can’t hear Him or that I’m just not listening. I need to regain my passion for my Lord and get busy proving it to Him and to introduce others to my Lord and Father.
Prayer: Dear Lord help me please. I’ve become useless and I’m so tired anymore I can barely stay awake. Give me the energy, strength, courage and passion to do your will and be that servant you call me to be. May others see my life and see you. I love you and I want to do what honors you help me please, get me going for your glory.