The Anger of Pride
Scripture Esth 3:5 When Haman saw that Mordecai did not bow or pay him homage, Haman was filled with wrath.
Observation: How often do we get upset when things don’t go the way we want them to? That’s pride. Why do things have to go the way we think they should, who are we to be above anyone? I know in my life I feel I’m owed a certain amount of respect and that my wishes should be recognized. I feel that way a lot more than I feel I should be helping someone else have their desires or needs met. Anger happens when we don’t get our own way or things aren’t turning out right for us and that anger will build so eventually that anger will harm someone else and typically it’s a family member or close friend.
Application: I need to stop seeking my way and start seeking God’s way, putting His desires above my own. Once I do that the needs of others will be more important than mine. I have a terrible anger problem and get upset at the simplest things, things that don’t go my way. That anger is sin, it’s against the will of God and it happens so quickly and way too often. I need to go immediately to prayer when I feel my anger getting to me and ask God for comfort and a way to bring Him joy. Taking care of His children is something that will bring my Heavenly Father joy so I need to search to help others with their needs or desires above my own.
Prayer: Dear Father help me with my self-centerness and open my heart to how you want me to live my life. Take this anger from my spirit and replace it with kindness, joy and service to others. I’m your child and your bond servant command me on what to do that I may obey and please you. I love you Lord and you deserve the best I have to offer.