It’s Different When We Go Through the Pain
Scripture Job 4:5 But now it comes upon you, and you are weary; It touches you, and you are troubled.
Observation: It’s much easier giving advice when we are doing fine and the other person is going through the trials. Even though we go through trials and tribulations we typically don’t want to comfort someone else at that time we want to wail in our misery alone. All the advice we would give we won’t receive in those moments we turn our head away from God and go into self-pity. However the strongest witness is to lead people to the Lord while we are being persecuted showing an example of faith and faith they would be able to associate with.
Application: I’ve become so lazy anymore that I’m becoming no use to my Lord. Today someone wrote me an email in regards to meeting her brother that is suffering from depression but he lives in Hemet several miles away and wants to meet on a Saturday. My first thought is that is my day off and I would have to drive all the way to Hemet. Someone is calling out and I’m making excuses. It’s funny when I cry out to my Lord in need, no matter what He answers and guides me, how disappointed He must be in me. The deeper in troubles I find myself I must reach out to others that are suffering and then I have a chance to help and reach them for the Lord. Next time I’m feeling down I need to pray to God to put me in the path of someone who might need me.
Prayer: My Lord help me get past this laziness I have. Give me the energy and strength to honor you and to help others. May my focus be on serving you by being a blessing to others, use this servant to glorify you. You are worthy of all of my love, praise, worship and time.