Why Go On?
Scripture Job 6:11 “What strength do I have, that I should hope? And what is my end, that I should prolong my life?
Observation: I started writing a book as God guides me called So Why Am I Here? Most of my life I asked the same question as Job why prolong my life and I tried six times not to prolong it any longer. In the process of writing this book God made it clear why we should want to prolong our lives, because God has a plan for it. This is our only opportunity to earn rewards in Heaven. The more I understand how awesome Heaven is going to be the more I want to live this life in a way that honors God.
Application: I need to start living a better life. I hope to be meeting with Pastor Mike next week to see how I might serve the church more. I waste so much time watching television, I need to be doing so much more. I need to set a plan in action that gets me doing things that will glorify God. I look forward to being with my Lord and Savior and gathering all of the rewards He gives me and lay them at His feet in worship. I need to work on my health and diet and as long as God has me here be the best I can to glorify my Lord.
Prayer: Dear Lord thank you for not giving up on me and giving me this chance to glorify you. May I live whatever time you give me to please you and that my reward would be to glorify you. I love you may this life prove it.