God is Justice
Scripture Job 8:3 Does God subvert judgment? Or does the Almighty pervert justice?
Observation: Sometimes we forget we are only here for a short while, but we want all the answers in this place answered for us. When we see something doesn’t seem right to us we question it and God. We need to realize whatever is happening God is aware and there is a purpose for it, after all He is our Judge and justice lives in Him. So whatever might happen we need to realize this place is only temporary and a test to see how we honor God. We need to know that God is just no matter what we might think at times and look for His will in our lives, because we can control how we are going to react and live.
Application: lately I’ve been so worried about my job. The contract is in a bid process and I’m worried I will be left without a job and at age 63 what will I do? God has taken care of me all of my life and has never let me down, after all I’m still here. I need to trust in the Lord with all of my heart and keep my eyes open to what He desires of me. If I lose this job I need to ask for his guidance to see what He wants of me and not be anxious. No Matter what is going on I need to seek God in my life and honor Him, for that is the real reason I’m here.
Prayer: My Lord forgive your servant for worrying so much of this precious time you have given me. Give me peace and guide me each day. Help me live day to day and not to fear, but live a life that honors you. Draw me close and use your servant to spread the gospel and to help draw others closer to you. I love you and I want to do what is right in your eyes.