We Can’t Compete Against God
Scripture Job 35:2 “Do you think this is right? Do you say, ‘My righteousness is more than God’s’?
Observation: We sometimes try to reason with God trying to convince Him we know what we are doing in spite of His word. We try to manipulate what God is saying and justify our actions. We will defend ourselves to others thinking that we know best and if God was here, he would agree. We are not righteous or will we ever be. The only time we come close is when we are being led by the Holy Spirit and even then, we sometimes resist. We sometimes need to think we are right at any cost instead of opening our eyes and admitting that we need God’s guidance and His mercy.
Application: I need to stop thinking that I’m right. I need to humble myself in front of my Lord and others. I need to learn to admit when I’m wrong and ask for forgiveness. I need to work on my anger and to love others. I need to learn that I’m not righteous and if I get anything right it’s only because God has guided me. I need to be doing everything for my Lord and master and that He gets the glory and not me. I’m a servant and I need to get that through my head.
Prayer: My Lord help me, take this pride away from me and humble me. Show me how to be your servant and to point others to you. In all that I do may you get the glory and praise. Please remove this anger and fear from me and calm my spirit and speak to me. Guide me to be the man you want me to be.