How Much Do We Know About Him?
Scripture Job 36:26 “Behold, God is great, and we do not know Him; Nor can the number of His years be discovered.
Observation: We know God loves us, but do we know why? He has mercy and take cares of our needs, but why does He care. What do we have to offer Him for all that He gives us. God’s word tells us about God’s nature and the things we are to obey in His commands, but why does He bother with us? We have little, if anything to offer the almighty God and yet He knows us from the beginning. He must have known the person I would become and yet He didn’t give up on me, why waste His time? I know He’s watching, but what is He thinking. We will never understand God, but at least we can understand what He desires of us.
Application: I need to be more obedient and do things for God’s glory and not mine. I have several outreaches I’ll be doing in the next couple of months, but am I doing them for Him or for me or am I just doing them because I can’t say no. God deserves my very best and that includes leading others to Him by the way I serve Him. I need to do a better job in this life, I’m so lazy and when I do serve, I’m not putting my whole heart into it. I need to change.
Prayer: Dear Lord you know everything and that includes my heart. Please soften it and give me that heart you desire me to have. Strengthen me and guide me each day to do your will and take this selfish and anger away from me. I love you and you deserve so much more from me.