God’s Ways Are Higher Than Ours
Scripture Job 37:5 God thunders marvelously with His voice; He does great things which we cannot comprehend.
Observation: I don’t know why we think we’ll figure out God. God is so much larger than our thoughts and we’ll never comprehend Him. We are not here to figure God out we’re here to obey Him. We are not on equal playing ground with God. If something terrible happens we are not to blame God or expect an answer. Our job is to trust Him and do what He calls us to do. We are not to judge God and His actions. We are to know His word and His laws and keep them. Like Job we want answers, but we were never promised them and we are not worthy of receiving them.
Application: I need to trust God so much more than I do. I start my day off by telling the creator of all things that I do trust Him, but after a short time I’m questioning what is happening. I need to let go and just trust Him and do my best to glorify Him. That is why I’m here is to bring Him pleasure. God has created me for a purpose and I know what my goal is and that is to glorify and worship Him. God owes me nothing, but I owe Him everything.
Prayer: My Lord, I do love you and I want to trust you completely. You have been fully trustworthy, but your servant is weak and my mind wanders all the time. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and show me how to live this life. May I bring you pleasure each day.