Speaking Right of the Lord
Scripture Job 42:7 And so it was, after the LORD had spoken these words to Job, that the LORD said to Eliphaz the Temanite, “My wrath is aroused against you and your two friends, for you have not spoken of Me what is right, as My servant Job has.
Observation: All through Job they talked about what Job most have done to have God’s wrath against him and Job kept defending himself to his friends. No one spoke of how righteous God is. Nobody said that God is good and there must be a purpose in what was happening and that they should trust in that. God was only mentioned by Job when it came to his suffering and he had no idea why God would do such a thing. The same is with us we will go through a period of trials and be so focused on the mess we were in that we didn’t look at God, knowing that He loves and cares for us and that there must be a reason we are going through this time. We forget that our home is not here, but we have an eternal home and that we earn rewards and a lot of those rewards will come from the way we trust God in our hardships.
Application: I need to be focusing on God and to trust Him always no matter what might be going on in my life. I don’t do very good with that since my work contract was up in the air all I thought about what was I going to do about it, instead of looking to God and ask Him what He wanted me to do during this process. God has always been there for me and when I look back I can see Him throughout my life. I need to draw closer to Him and meditate on His word and His desires for this life. I want to know God better and what He expects of me and do it in glory and honor to Him.
Prayer: My Lord show me how to stay focused on you. My mind wanders continually and I have a hard time staying focused. Give me a peace of mind that will help me seek you with all of my heart, mind and soul. Show me how to love you the way you desire me to. Draw me close to you and open my eyes.