My God My Shield
Scripture Psalms 3:3 But You, O LORD, are a shield for me, My glory and the One who lifts up my head.
Observation: With God as my shield why am I still afraid. God has always been there for me and even if I should die, I would be home with my God, so what is it about this place that gives me fear. I allow the enemy to have his way with my mind. God is my shield, my strength and courage, however if I’m not focused on Him, but what my enemy puts before me I forget about God’s protection. God has always been there even before I became born again and when I think of Him and meditate on His word, I’m at peace. Unfortunately, I don’t stay focused on my God, but on me and what might happen without God’s protection. I fear because I chose to, God has given me a way out but I disregard His shield and go out to battle without any weapons or protection.
Application: God needs to be on my mind always and in my heart. As soon as I feel anxious at all I need to stop and pray and think of all that He has already gotten me through. I need to left Him up in my times of fear and ask Him what I should do. I need to trust in my God with all of my heart and lean not on my own understanding but in all my ways acknowledge Him and He will make my paths straight. God and not fear needs to rule my life.
Prayer: My Lord, my strength, my reason for living, please take charge and lead me each day. Protect me from the sinful nature I have and calm my spirit as I go out to battle each day. Continue to give me hope and a reason to live each day. Show me how to please you for you deserve the best I can give. I love you, please draw me near to you.