A Sacrifice That Honors God
Scripture Psalms 4:5 Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, And put your trust in the LORD.
Observation: Is our sacrifice righteous? I fast the five days before Good Friday to draw closer to God, but do we? The fast is our sacrifice, but it needs to be given for the right reason. If we tell others so that we get acknowledgment it isn’t a righteous sacrifice. A sacrifice must be offered for the right reason and if our hearts are true and the reason, we are doing this is to draw closer to God then it’s a righteous sacrifice. However, if our sacrifice is for ourselves then it means nothing. We need to offer it knowing that God will honor our motive more than the actual sacrifice and we need to trust in Him that things will be done according to His will and not ours.
Application: I need to take this time and draw closer to my Lord. I shouldn’t be focused on being hungry, but how I might hear for my God. I need to trust in my Lord with all of my heart and listen to what He has to tell me. At all times my focus should be on God’s will and not my circumstances.
Prayer: My Lord receive this sacrifice; may it be Holy and pleasing to You. I want to know you more and what it is you desire of me. I want to get it right and I know time is running out here, help me make an eternal difference and when It’s time to come home you can receive me with open arms and a smile on your face.