Lord Have Mercy On Me
Scripture Psalms 6:2 Have mercy on me, O LORD, for I am weak; O LORD, heal me, for my bones are troubled.
Observation: I believe we all want God’s mercy, but none of us deserve it. I know what I deserve and the life I led I deserved any trouble that came upon me, but because of God’s mercy I received so many more blessings that I don’t deserve. I’ve been struggling trying to discover what God has called me to do and the harder I try the weaker I see myself. I can’t go a minute without a negative thought or just losing my train of thought, I’m lazy and tired all the time. My body is weak and I feel like doing nothing. I need God’s mercy each day just to make it through, but I want to do so much more than that, I want to finish this race well and I can’t do it alone.
Application: I need to realize that I can’t do it alone, that I need the Holy Spirit to give me strength and guidance. I need to fight the temptation to do nothing and ask God for the strength that I will need to fulfill the purpose that I’m here. I need to be more positive and to trust my Lord completely no matter what and to draw nearer to Him each day through Bible reading, journaling and using what God has given me for His glory.
Prayer: Dear Lord have mercy on this sinner. I come before you broken and I need your mercy to carry one. Help me wake up each morning with joy, the joy of knowing that I can please you. Speak to your servant and command me to do your will and to make a difference for you. I love you and I want each day to please You.