Judge Me My Lord
Scripture Psalms 7:8 The LORD shall judge the peoples; Judge me, O LORD, according to my righteousness, And according to my integrity within me.
Observation: We should be able to say judge me Oh Lord. It’s a scary thing to ask the Lord to judge ourselves, because we know how we are and that we deserve to be judged at times. Even when I’m supposing doing something for my Lord deep down there is something in it for me. Our decisions should be made on thinking of God first and others next, but very rarely does that happen our own interests always seem to creep up to the top. Being righteous will take a lot of time and practice and we need that discipline of knowing when we are not being righteous and that is where God’s judgment comes in. He’s a loving Father, but needs us to be righteous and will need to guide us from time to time.
Application: I need to be aware of God’s judgment in my life, even before I do something. I need to think it out to see if what I’m doing is His will or something I’m doing for myself and when I see it is a selfish manner, I need to be ready for the judgment I deserve. I need to know this is God’s discipline for me and I need to learn from it and be better in the future.
Prayer: My Lord continue to guide me through this life that I will honor you. Show me how to be righteous in your eyes and open them up to do what is right. I want to run this race well and I need your coaching to complete the race. Open my eyes and heart to you, I want to honor and obey everything you call me to do.