The Lord Tests Us
Scripture Psalms 11:5 The LORD tests the righteous, But the wicked and the one who loves violence His soul hates.
Observation: Throughout God’s word it tells us that the Lord tests or disciplines His children. Like a good Father God wants us to grow and mature. He needs to guide us to do what is right and if we go off course, He’s there to put us back on the path. He does this because he loves us and that we are His. To be tested is an honor from God, even though that is not what it feels like when we are going through it, but if He didn’t care, He wouldn’t bother. God calls us to be righteous and only He can train us to do that.
Application: I need to stop being afraid of God’s testing. I get too comfortable doing nothing. I need to grow, I’ve become stagnate and do not want to give up much of my time. I need to ask God to open my eyes to do what He wants me to do and in the way He wants it done. I need to be able to welcome any testing and discipline God puts in my life, because I know that He loves me and will only give me what I can handle through Him. It’s time to stop making excuses and get busy serving my Lord.
Prayer: My Lord and my Father. help me get over this laziness I have. Wake me up to do your will in my life. Guide and correct me when I’m doing wrong and open my eyes on what you want of me. I can’t do it alone, I’m too weak. Give me strength and guidance to run this race in a way that will glorify you, my Lord. I love you and I desire to honor you.