Why Are We So Proud?
Scripture Psalms 12:3 May the LORD cut off all flattering lips, And the tongue that speaks proud things,
Observation: As a society we are proud people, but proud of what? We praise others in hope that they will praise us back. We seem to always need some reassurance of who we are and approval of what we are doing. We are so busy trying to hide our flaws and imperfections instead of looking at them and improving. We are so involved in ourselves we don’t have time for God, because that would distract us. God knows we are imperfect, yet he still loves us and wants us to be better, but we can only do that by looking at what we need to improve and if you’re like me that’s a lot. I’ll never be perfect on this earth, but I need to be better, not for me, but for my Lord.
Application: I want to improve and the only thing that gets in my way is me. I’m afraid to admit I need to improve, because then I might feel down on myself. I need to trust God and be honest with Him and honest with others. I can’t give in to flattery or false praise, but I need to be a man of integrity. Each day is an opportunity to be better and I need to seize that opportunity and pray and ask God for the guidance to be better. I need to be focused on the needs of others above my own and honor God with my decisions.
Prayer: My Lord thank you for making me, me. I know I have a long way to go but if you can help me each day be a little better, a little more righteous, a little more like Jesus. I know when I come home, I won’t be perfect, but help me be better for you. I love you and you deserve the best from me.