Trusting In God’s Mercy
Scripture Psalms 13:5 But I have trusted in Your mercy; My heart shall rejoice in Your salvation.
Observation: I wish I could say that every day that I trust in my Lord’s mercy. He has proven himself over and over again. I still get anxious and fearful, I still lose hope, even though I say my hope is in Him. I’m a hypocrite and Jesus would have every right to treat me as He treated the Pharisees, but He doesn’t. His mercy is new each day and you would think by now I would be at peace knowing that. I just finished writing another book and the key point is that this life isn’t what it’s all about, it’s about our eternal home, our salvation. If I truly rejoiced in my salvation, which I should, this life should be a piece of cake, because my focus would be on my Lord and my future with Him.
Application: I don’t understand why I don’t trust my Lord fully, it’s not about Him, but my sinful ways. I’m so easily distracted and focused on myself and not my mission. I wake up each morning in prayer, but I don’t draw near to my God and I need to do that and stay close all day long. I’m weak and that’s okay if I allow the Lord to be strong through my weakness, instead of giving up. My Laziness, pride and anger needs to be controlled so that I can be used by God and lay down this life as a sacrifice to Him and to fully trust in His mercy and the gift of my salvation.
Prayer: My Lord I pray over and over that I will trust you. You’ve put on my heart with Proverbs 3:5,6 to trust you in all things. Why don’t I? Fill me with the Holy Spirit and take charge of this servant, I’m a bondservant to you. Please take control and command this unworthy slave and make me useful for you. I love you Master, command me.