Being A Person After God’s Heart
Scripture Psalms 15:2 He who walks uprightly, And works righteousness, And speaks the truth in his heart;
Observation: These are just some of the qualifications to be a person after God’s own heart. We can’t do these things in our own sinful heart, we need God to change us, to change our heart to be more like Jesus. To walk uprightly we must be focused on God and our service to others. To work righteously we need to work for the Lord and not for man and to speak the truth we need to put aside our prideful ways and speak openly no matter what. Satan is the Father of Lies, which makes God the Father of truth. Who’s your daddy?
Application: I want to do all these things, but my sinful ways get in the way. As hard as I try, I can’t stop thinking evil things or stay focused very long on my Lord. If the truth makes me look bad, I can’t speak it or I’ll work my way around it. I need my Lord to change me and I really want to change. I start out okay for a few minutes and struggle all day long to control, my pride, anger and self centerness. I need to pray all day long constantly seeking guidance for my thoughts and my ways.
Prayer: My Lord I am weak and so disappointed in myself. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and change me completely, show me how to stay focused on you. I want to have a heart like Jesus’, but I’m so far from that. Draw me close so that I may hear what you want to say to me. I love you and I want and need to change.