Pleasures for Evermore
Scripture Psalms 16:11 You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
Observation: Throughout the Bible it tells us that God will guide us and lead us on the path that He has chosen for us, yet so often we are out in the middle of the woods lost because we have followed our own path. Unless we are with God where He desires us to be we are lost and there is no joy in our lives, because we are apart from God. Hell is the total absence of God so it only makes sense that when we are apart from God just a little bit our joy is gone. God has pleasures for us that will last forever, our rewards in Heaven, but to obtain those rewards we need to follow Him on this earth and do what He calls us to do.
Application: I seem to be off the path much more than I’m on. God wants me to have a loving and kind heart and when I’m not focused on Him my mind goes to anger and hateful thoughts. I need to continue in prayer asking God to give me a kinder and loving spirit. I need to see His children as just that His children. I need to get these hateful thoughts out of my mind and to be patient and kind. I want pleasure on this earth but more important I want pleasures that will last forever.
Prayer: My Lord help me, fill me with the Holy Spirit and give me that heart that will honor You. Take this evil from me, rebuke Satan out of my life and show me how to be with you all day long, every day. I love you and desire your pleasure, but most importantly your company. I’m here to serve, show me how.