Help Keep me From Sin
Scripture Psalms 19:13 Keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins; Let them not have dominion over me. Then I shall be blameless, And I shall be innocent of great transgression.
Observation: A day doesn’t go by that I don’t sin, whether I’m looking at something I shouldn’t be looking at, thinking sinful thoughts doing or saying something that doesn’t honor God. The devil must laugh all the time at me the way he is able to make me look the wrong way. I blame Adam and Eve from succumbing to Satan’s lies and temptation, but I’m no better. Even when I know I’m about to sin, I still do it, just because I want to. I tell God each morning how much I love Him and how I want to do His will in my life and only a short time will pass before I’m proving myself a liar.
Application: Stop sinning!!! I need to get my priorities straight, I’m either a child of God or a friend of Satan. I need to work harder in being righteous and need to overcome this laziness so that I will be doing things that honor God and not myself. I need to stop putting my own desires ahead of God and that the desires I do have most be God honoring. It’s time to stop and I’ll need the help of the Holy Spirit to accomplish it.
Prayer: My Lord how many times have I come before you asking for forgiveness for the same sin. I need, I want to stop and live a righteous life, but I can’t do it as this sinful servant of yours, I need to change, so please change me and make me better. Help me righteous for you. I do love you and want to honor you for the rest of my life.