God’s Dance Lessons
Scripture Psalms 30:11 You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have put off my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness,
Observation: Most of my life I’ve been in mourning because of my depression. A day didn’t go by that I hoped it would be my last one. When Teri and I were watching over her dad as he was sick and dying, she told me how her mom and dad liked to dance. Her mom who had already passed before I ever met her, sounded like an awesome woman who loved God and her family. When Teri’s dad passed, I got up to speak at his service and repeated this scripture that God turns our mourning into dancing and that the two of them were most likely dancing with the Lord that day. Then I looked at my own life when each morning brought pain and sadness and how the Lord filled it with hope, telling this worthless man that I have a purpose and fulfilling that purpose will make me a great dancer.
Application: I need to take more dance lessons. I need to remove these negative thoughts and feelings from my life by replacing them with thoughts about my God. When I’m thinking of Him or doing His will my life is full of joy, only when I stray and think of myself or this world does the dancing stop.
Prayer: My Lord, thank you coming into my life when you did and how you have stayed throughout all of these years. Take this negative thinking from me and the feeling of mourning I sometimes have and change me. Renew my mind and direct me in the things you desire of me. I want to be a better servant and I want to draw closer to you. I love you and desire to dance.