My Lord is My Hope
Scripture Psalms 38:15 For in You, O LORD, I hope; You will hear, O Lord my God.
Observation: I seem to be crying out a lot lately, sometimes my Lord must be tired of hearing from me all of the time. God is my last hope I’ve become so tired lately and at times I want to give up. I cry out to my Lord about my health, job and finances all of the time. If I had more hope, I wouldn’t be crying out so much I would trust in Him that He heard me the first time and He is handling it in His way. I shouldn’t have to hope that He hears, I should know it for a fact and be able to rest in the knowledge that He will work things out the way He desires and in His timing.
Application: I need to let go and trust everything to Him. He asks me to love him and I tell my God that I do, but how can you truly love someone without trusting in them? I need to show my Lord my love by giving Him this anxiety I carry around and let Him take charge of this life. I need to live in peace knowing my God knows what I need and when I need it and that I’m not on the same time table that He is.
Prayer: My Lord help me please. Take this anxiety from me and help me hang my hope on you. I’m a servant and not a master and should gladly receive whatever my Master gives me. You have always taken care of me and that I will trust you with whatever life I have left here on this earth. I love and trust in You.