Do You See God Through Me?
Scripture Psalms 40:3 He has put a new song in my mouth– Praise to our God; Many will see it and fear, And will trust in the LORD.
Observation: God has blessed my life in so many ways, but do I reflect that to others? At times I get down and depressed and the things I tell others are not always uplifting. I have hatred for some and I fail to hide those feelings which I shouldn’t have in the first place. My only real job here is to bring others to Christ and spread the gospel. How can I do that if I don’t show Jesus’ love and compassion to others. If I say I believe in Jesus, but don’t live the way He calls me to live that makes me a hypocrite and who would believe a hypocrite?
Application: I’m called as a Christian to be like Christ. I know what being like Jesus is, it’s all over the Bible. However it’s not easy since we still live with our sinful nature, but with Christ all things are possible. I need to let the Holy Spirit control my life and I need to have Jesus on my heart at all times. Before I do anything I need to ask the question, “What Would Jesus Do?” I need to have my heart full of the love of Jesus before I even do anything. My words to my wife must be honoring to my Lord and to everyone else. My focus needs to be on my final goal Heaven and how God wants me to walk through the journey of getting there.
Prayer: My Lord show me how to be like you. Help me walk through this Earth with a glow on my face that reflects your glory. May I live that it is obvious to others that I follow you. Take this hatred and anxiety from my spirit and speak to your servant that I would obey every command you give me. I’m yours for now and always. I love you my Master and what to be your bondservant forever.