Conditions to God’s Blessings
Scripture Psalms 41:2 The LORD will preserve him and keep him alive, And he will be blessed on the earth; You will not deliver him to the will of his enemies.
Observation: So many of us expect God’s blessing no matter what we do. We may feel He owes us because of something we have done, but God owes us nothing except the penalty of our sins, which Jesus took care of. The passage before this was if someone took care of the poor. All of God’s promises of what He will do start with what we need to be doing. If we are not doing God’s, will we can’t expect God to bless that. God owes us nothing however we owe Him everything, yet He wants to bless us. He wants us to be obedient to His commands which are more than reasonable. I want God’s blessing more than anything but if I’m not willing to do my part, I won’t receive anything.
Application: I need to be following God’s law and not just to get blessings, but to honor God. If I get nothing more the rest of my life so be it, I deserve nothing. I want to be obedient I want God’s promises and I want to be seen worthy before my heavenly Father. Today is Father’s Day and I should be the one blessing my perfect Father and I need to be doing that each and every day.
Prayer: My dear Father, I thank you for all of the blessings you have given me. May I celebrate each day the fact that you are my Father and that I would be an obedient child. I’m not worthy of all that you give me, but I want to thank you for giving each blessing to me. I need your help to be that child you desire me to be. I love you Dad and I look forward to being with you. May my homecoming please you, because I fulfilled the purpose you have created me for.