All the Good I Do Is From You
Scripture Psalms 44:3 For they did not gain possession of the land by their own sword, Nor did their own arm save them; But it was Your right hand, Your arm, and the light of Your countenance, Because You favored them.
Observation: I think I can accomplish so much by using the skills I acquired, but the truth is that I have nothing that God hasn’t given me. Any good thing I do is only because God has allowed me to do. Any skill or gift I have is from God along with the opportunities that come my way. This whole life is choices if I follow God I will reap a reward no matter how difficult it might be and if I venture out on my own I will also reap what I sow. The more I do in God’s will and to glorify Him the more I will succeed in what God has called me to do
Application: I need to realize each day that whatever happens God has allowed and has given me what I need to do His will. There is nothing good within me apart from God so I need Him with me at all time guiding and directing my course. The more I realize I depend solely on my Lord the closer I will get to knowing His will for my life, because in life that is all that matters everything else becomes a distraction if it is not honoring to my Master.
Prayer: My Lord help me realize that you control this life if I give it back to you. I don’t want to move an inch unless it is ordained by you. Guide me through this life and show me what you desire me to do. I’m here to serve and fulfill the purpose you have created this servant for. I love you my Lord and Master.