Doing My Job
Scripture Psalms 45:17 I will make Your name to be remembered in all generations; Therefore the people shall praise You forever and ever.
Observation: This is our job to live our life in a way that others will praise God and that our children and grandchildren will tell others about our loving and caring God. We are to go out and make disciples and the way to do it is to tell others what God has done for us and to explain the gospel so that others will thirst for more of God’s love. When we understand God’s nature and what He has done for us we can share that with others. We should become contagious so that our love spreads to others and that God will be praised forever. If every Christian would do their part God’s word would know no bounds.
Application: To tell of my Lord and all that He had done for me and wants to do for them. I need to stop selling others on myself and humble myself and tell them about the wonders of my God. That is why we are all here to be a witness of what God desires for us. We are here to praise God and that is my desire, but I need to make that the priority in my life and not an afterthought. My goals need to change and doing God’s will needs to be first in my life and others need to see that in me. That my mission is to praise God and to bring others to His loving grace.
Prayer: My Lord you are worthy of all of my love, worship, praise and time, yet I give you so little. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and guide me through the rest of this life that I will live in a way that others may see you and praise you. I love you Lord help me live that kind of life.