God is Our Strength
Scripture Psalms 46:1 To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of the sons of Korah. A song for Alamoth. God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble.
Observation: I don’t know why I continue to try to live this life without God’s help. I’m so arrogant that I think I have the strength to live without my Lord at times, but the truth is that apart from God I can’t do anything. I find my heart in agony and my mind wrought with confusion and anger over the simplest of things. A day doesn’t go by that my mind and heart are in trouble and it doesn’t seize until I open my eyes to my Lord. He is always there for me and all I have to do is call out His name and ask for guidance.
Application: I need to always give my life to the Lord and realize there is nothing good I can do without Him. I need to humble myself before His throne and ask for the wisdom and strength I will need Him each day and not go my on my own. I want Him to rule my life from the time I get up to the time I fall asleep. I need my Lord to take full control of this life.
Prayer: My Lord I know I can’t live this life without you. Take charge and command your servant on what to do. This life is for You and not me so please use it to glorify your name and guide me through the rest of it so it honors You. I love You Lord may my actions prove that.