Our King is Awesome
Scripture Psalms 47:2 For the LORD Most High is awesome; He is a great King over all the earth.
Observation: I need to remember that God is the one that is awesome and not me. He created me for His good pleasure and not mine. My Lord rules the earth no matter what is happening He is allowing it to happen. Whether we agree or not it doesn’t matter God is all powerful and He has a purpose for everything. Once we have God on His throne where He belongs, we can rest assured that everything will be as it is supposed to be. God is the ruler not us or anyone else on this earth, but God is King and He rules justly. If we can accept that and serve as we are called to do, we will have peace and allow God to rule for He is awesome
Application: I need to take this advice and stop worrying all of the time and allow God to rule in my heart. I wake up and go to bed with so much on my mind it is hard to rest and I need to have my awesome King rule not just the world but my life as well. He created me and knows why and I need to let Him take charge and trust Him in everything. I need to let Him reign completely in my life.
Prayer: My Lord your servant is waiting to be commanded by His King. Command me today to do all you desire and that I will be obedient in all. Rule over your servant have me serve you wholeheartedly. I love you and I desire to please you with this life you have given me.