Guide Me Forever Lord
Scripture Psalms 48:14 For this is God, Our God forever and ever; He will be our guide Even to death.
Observation: God isn’t only for this life, He saved us to spend eternity with Him in Heaven. He wants us to realize we belong to Him and that He loves us. He knows this life is hard and confusing and that is why He wants to guide us through it. He has given us instructions on how to live, He is always there to ask for guidance and if we can be quiet, we will be able to hear His instructions for us. His motive for putting us here is love and He wants us to succeed in living a fruitful life that He can reward later when we get home.
Application: I hate asking for direction and I think I can figure things out on my own, but I know that is not true. I need to be constantly asking for guidance and then listen for the answers. I have one chance at this life and the decisions I make have eternal consequences. I need not only pray, but I need to listen and take any selfish desires from my heart and fill it with Godly ones. I have one chance and I can’t afford to mess it up.
Prayer: My Lord, I need you more than I will ever need anything else. Soften my heart and give me the wisdom to listen to You. Please guide me each moment of every day so I don’t get lost in this maze of life. I’m so stubborn Lord soften my heart that I will humble myself before you and be obedient to every command. I love you Lord may I prove it with my actions today,