That’s the Way I Want to Be
Scripture Psalms 49:3 My mouth shall speak wisdom, And the meditation of my heart shall give understanding.
Observation: I wish that was me that I spoke with wisdom and that the words that came out of my mouth would help others understand. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case to be able to do that you must be focused on God and helping others. Most of my thoughts are about me and the things that I want. I would have to invest more time in study to obtain wisdom which gives me less time on the couch watching television and meditating I would have to be focused on things without interruption of mindless thought which seems nearly impossible for me to do.
Application: I need to realize being able to accomplish these things would honor God. To be able to obtain wisdom and be able to share that wisdom with others would be a gift that would glorify my Lord. To be able to meditate would give me peace and understanding. I would be able to draw nearer to God and able to understand more clearly the path in which He wants me to travel.
Prayer: My Lord I desire to speak wisdom and be able to sit still and hear your voice, but apart from you I could nothing. I ask for these gifts and the strength to do them. I know this would honor you, but my mind is so set on me and the ways of this world. Help me Lord fill me with the Holy Spirit and use this useless man to do your will. I freely give myself to you, please take over.