We Shall Glorify God
Scripture Psalms 50:15 Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.”
Observation: How many prayers has God answered for you? I think back and the list is too long to remember them all. I have thanked Him for many and others I guess I just take for granted because the more He does for me the more I expect, but how many times have I glorified my Lord with answered prayers. How many times as have I gone to others to tell them the miracle God did in my life? There has been a few but each one should have been recognized and God should have been glorified. When I give my depression testimony I give God the glory, but He deserves the glory each day because each day is a miracle.
Application: I need to live a more transparent life that others can see God through me. I say I live for Him, but my life doesn’t show it. I’m supposed to be His servant, but I serve myself more than I do my Master. Each day He still hears my prayers and answers is unworthy servant and my creator deserves to be glorified. I might be the closest some people get to knowing God and my job is to introduce Him to others and tell of His wondrous love.
Prayer: Lord forgive me for taking You for granted and just accepting all You do for me without the proper recognition you deserve. May I always give you glory and obey you in everything. May my life reflect your love and bring you honor and glory. May I be the best advertisement of what you want for your children. Humble me before you that all others can see is You.