Renew Me Lord
Scripture Psalms 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Observation: I can’t create a new heart, no matter how bad I want to. I’m a sinner and in my own power I can’t do anything good. Only God can create a new heart and He’ll only do it if we desire it to be done. I’m tired of this evil heart I have I have my moments when it honors God but the moments are few and far between. I need my creator to change my heart and renew my spirit so I can fulfill the purpose that He created me for, because in my old ways nothing will get done.
Application: I need to constantly go before my Lord and ask and desire for Him to create a new heart in me. A heart that desires to serve and obey, a heart for my brothers and sisters needs above my own, a servant’s heart. I need to ask for a renewed spirit a spirit on fire for God, a fire that can only be quenched with fruitful works. I need to be focused on this and not let my heart wander off to other things. I need to be dedicated to my Lord and continue to desire a new heart that would please Him.
Prayer: My Lord create in me a new heart, O God and renew a steadfast spirit within me. I love you and desire above all to glorify You.