Why Do I Love Evil?
Scripture Psalms 52:3 You love evil more than good, Lying rather than speaking righteousness.
Observation: I don’t think I love evil, but it seems I prefer it over doing good. My mind and heart are bent that way and I can’t seem to stay from evil thoughts or desires very long. My mind doesn’t go to helping my neighbor or loving them, my first thought is evil and to judge. I think of myself before other, which is contradictory to what my Lord commands me to do, which is evil. It is easier to tell I lie that makes me look good then the truth and except my mistakes, which again is evil and against God’s will.
Application: I know I can’t change on my own and only through the power of the Holy Spirit can anything good come from me. I need to be close to God to see all the evil I do and have Him change me. I need to only tell the truth no matter what the consequences might be, because that is the only way I can honor my Lord. I need to watch my thoughts and words to make sure that they glorify God and help others. I need to do good over evil and when I fail, I need to humble myself before my Lord and beg for forgiveness.
Prayer: My Lord this evil man comes before you and desires to be good. I try each day, but fail miserably and I know I will continue to do so unless you change me. I give you this life as a living sacrifice, make it holy and pleasing to you. I love you and want to be what you want me to be.