What Should I Sacrifice?
Scripture Psalms 54:6 I will freely sacrifice to You; I will praise Your name, O LORD, for it is good.
Observation: What do I have to sacrifice to God? In the Old Testament they were called to sacrifice animals, birds and grains, but Jesus is the new covenant so should I still sacrifice? I’m called to sacrifice myself, my life for it no longer belongs to me anyway. Each day I’m to give my body as a living sacrifice to be holy and pure before my God. It is not a onetime sacrifice, but Jesus calls me to carry my cross each day. My sacrifice is me, all of the time, all that I have, my love and obedience needs to be laid at the alter each day, a sacrifice that should be offered gladly in honor to my God.
Application: I know what I need to do it. My life is to be lived for my Lord and no one else including my own evil desires. No trying to justify bad actions, using the precious time I have for selfish desires, my time and money are no longer mine, but I am now a steward of my Master. I need each day to offer myself as the living sacrifice with a glad heart and complete trust that God will use this sacrifice for Him.
Prayer: My Lord it is so hard to let go and give you this life completely, but in my heart that is my desire. That this life will honor you. I need you to fill me with the Holy Spirit and speak to your servant and guide me each day to complete the work you have set before me. I love you my Lord and I freely give you this life as a living sacrifice.