God Judges the Earth
Scripture Psalms 58:11 So that men will say, “Surely there is a reward for the righteous; Surely He is God who judges in the earth.”
Observation: It’s hard to believe God is judging the earth right now with all the evil that is in it. I look around and wonder why God doesn’t just destroy this place with all the sin and perversion that is in it. He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah they couldn’t have been worse than this place. Yet God wants none to perish and He was willing to save Sodom if 10 good men were found. God sees the righteous and we will have a reward when we get home, but it is so hard sometimes to be righteous in this wicked place and if we don’t turn to God for direction, we will never make it to the finish line.
Application: I need to stay focused on God and what He wants of me. I need to realize there is little I can do about the state of this world and the only thing I have control of is me. I need to be righteous in the eyes of God and do the part God has called me to do until it is time for me to go. I need to stay close to my Lord or I’ll never make it He needs to be what I think of all day and not the things that surround me. My rewards come from obeying my God, not anything in this world.
Prayer: My Lord, I’ll never make it to the finish line without you. I need you desperately to direct my path. Put blinders on me that I look at only you and what you have planned for this life. I’m afraid, please take this anxiety from my spirit and give me courage and strength to make it through to the end. I need to finish well help me and others get through. I love and trust you my God.