Waiting On God
Scripture Psalms 59:9 I will wait for You, O You his Strength; For God is my defense;
Observation: Why is it so hard to wait. For me it seems almost impossible, I want things and I want them now. Almost all of my bad decisions have been made because I hurried them. I seem to go ahead of God without waiting for a response. Yes I pray and ask for guidance, but before it comes there I go. God can only be my strength and defense if I wait for Him. If I have the greatest army in the world yet I go out to battle before they show up, I’m going to lose and that is what I’ve been doing most of my life.
Application: All through the Bible it tells me you to wait and trust and that is what I need to do. I need patience and when I ask God for direction I need to wait for an answer before trying to go ahead. I’m not here to fulfill my plans for this life, but to fulfill God’s plans for me and how can I do it until I know what they are.
Prayer: Help me Lord, give me the patience to wait on you. Give me a calm spirit and wisdom to wait on you. You are my everything and I need to spend much more time with you to know your heart. Command me each day in what you desire of your servant and give me patience to wait until I hear your commands. I love you and only want what you want for me.