What Should We be doing Lord
Scripture Psalms 90:17 And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us, And establish the work of our hands for us; Yes, establish the work of our hands.
Observation: God has called us for a purpose and He has specific work for us to do. He will establish the work of our hands and all we need to do is ask the boss what He desires of us. God has equipped us with our ministry, He has given us the necessary skills and talents He wants to use, He will supply the tools and opportunity to do our work. Like any other work we would go to our supervisor and ask what he wants done for that. The same goes with our Heavenly Lord, we pray in the morning for His guidance and He puts on our heart what to do. One of the biggest differences is our pay, we earn heavenly rewards that will last for all eternity by a job well done for our King.
Application: Each day I worry about my job and what I’m supposed to be doing. My focus is in this world most of the day and I need to start focusing more on God and His plan and job He has for me. I worked for my King yesterday when I fed the homeless at Bread of Life, but I should always be at work for my Lord no matter what I’m doing I should be doing it for the glory of the Lord. My eternal rewards can only be earned on earth and my time is running out and I have no time to waste. I need to get to work and work hard for my King.
Prayer: My Lord help me stay focused on the job you have for me. Take all the distractions away from me that cause me to stray from what you want me to do. I’m here as your servant and nothing else tell me each day what you desire and I will do it in glory and honor to you. I love and thank You my God, my Lord and my Boss.