Month: November 2023

What Should We be doing Lord

Scripture Psalms 90:17 And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us, And establish the work of our hands for us; Yes, establish the work of our hands.

Observation: God has called us for a purpose and He has specific work for us to do. He will establish the work of our hands and all we need to do is ask the boss what He desires of us. God has equipped us with our ministry, He has given us the necessary skills and talents He wants to use, He will supply the tools and opportunity to do our work. Like any other work we would go to our supervisor and ask what he wants done for that. The same goes with our Heavenly Lord, we pray in the morning for His guidance and He puts on our heart what to do. One of the biggest differences is our pay, we earn heavenly rewards that will last for all eternity by a job well done for our King.

Application: Each day I worry about my job and what I’m supposed to be doing. My focus is in this world most of the day and I need to start focusing more on God and His plan and job He has for me. I worked for my King yesterday when I fed the homeless at Bread of Life, but I should always be at work for my Lord no matter what I’m doing I should be doing it for the glory of the Lord. My eternal rewards can only be earned on earth and my time is running out and I have no time to waste. I need to get to work and work hard for my King.

Prayer: My Lord help me stay focused on the job you have for me. Take all the distractions away from me that cause me to stray from what you want me to do. I’m here as your servant and nothing else tell me each day what you desire and I will do it in glory and honor to you. I love and thank You my God, my Lord and my Boss.

You Are Wonderful

Scripture Psalms 89:5 And the heavens will praise Your wonders, O LORD; Your faithfulness also in the assembly of the saints.

Observation: We forget how wonderful you are dear Lord because our minds and hearts are so focused on the things of this world that we ignore your greatness. If we would just stop and think of all that God has done, all that He is and what He has done for us personally we would see how wonderful He is. Just look around in what He has created the detail of His creation and yet with the greatness of His creation He looks at us with individuality and love. How can we by realizing this not shout to the world about our wonderful God. So as His creation we should faithfully praise our Lord every day and do it in a way that others will see and understand how wonderful He is.

Application: I need to be more focused on my Lord and less in this world. I need to remind myself of how great is my God. I need to stop worrying about this life and be more focused on my eternal home. I should be in awe each day of my Lord’s greatness and humble myself before Him each day and praise Him telling others of my great God.

Prayer: My Lord You are wonderful and have been so wonderful to me. May my love for you shine on that others may see and use me as a witness of your greatness. Help me be the child you desire me to be that I will be obedient and a loving person for the world to see.

My Life Draws Near to the End

Scripture Psalms 88:3 For my soul is full of troubles, And my life draws near to the grave.

Observation: God has given me joy and yet my mind is still full of anxiety. Whenever I look away from my Lord the enemy seems to have a great time disturbing my thoughts and taking my joy. My life is coming to its end and yet I feel there is so much more I should be doing. This is the time in most people’s life that they look forward to retiring and resting from all the years of work and enjoying life. God has put on my heart this is the time for serving and fulfilling the purpose He has created me for. I’ll have plenty of time for rest and the best part of my life doesn’t start until I go home.

Application: I need to rejoice that each day I come closer to being in my eternal home, but need to get busy using the time God has given me here on Earth. This is my chance to earn a place in Heaven that will glorify God. I need to fight the laziness and pray for strength to accomplish whatever God is calling me to do. Time is running out here and I need to get busy finishing up all that God calls of me before going home.

Prayer: My Lord I need strength to carry on take the time that I worry and feel anxious and use it that I may serve you and others. Open doors for your servant to do the things you call of me to do and that this life would be a gift to You that may be used for your glory. I love you and You deserve the best I can be.

City of God

Scripture Psalms 87:3 Glorious things are spoken of you, O city of God!

Observation: Oh, to live in the city of God, what a wonderful place that would be. In this Psalm they are talking about Zion, but today there is no city of God on this Earth, men have destroyed God in their cities. Yet there is a city of God coming and it will come from the Heavens when Christ returns and that is the city we will be heading to. Each Christian knows how to get there and we are called to invite the people that we are surrounded with. So, no matter where we might live now, we should be journeying to the city of God.

Application: I should be living my life for my new home and not accumulating things here. I don’t feel comfortable here because this is not where I belong. I need to tell others about this City and help guide them there as my Lord commands me to do. There is plenty of room and I’ll be homesick until I get there. I need to stay on the path so I get home safely.

Prayer: My Lord and my God bring me home to your city. Walk me on the road to you each day and help me not stray off the path, but guide me each day. I’m so homesick and want to be with you forever. I love you Father help me to get home.

All Nations Will Worship

Scripture Psalms 86:9 All nations whom You have made Shall come and worship before You, O Lord, And shall glorify Your name.

Observation: Right now, we are so far from the nations worshipping God. Reading the news, it seems as if we are drawing away from God instead of drawing near. Our own country which was founded in Christ is making it harder to worship our Lord. One day however all the nations will worship, something is going to happen to open the eyes and heart of men that they will realize that God is real and worthy of our praise and they will glorify His name.

Application: I, along with all the other Christians have a job to do, we are called to spread the gospel. We are called to show God’s love and to guide them to Jesus. The world should have no excuse of not knowing who our Lord is. I need to be a light no matter where I am and how I’m feeling. I need to reflect the light of God to others and do what God has called me to do. I’m called to be a messenger and that is what I need to be doing and to worship and glorify God and acknowledge Him before others,

Prayer: Take this selfishness away from me and help me stay focused on You my Lord. As I start each day in prayer and reading, help me continue to worship You throughout the day and that others would see my devotion to you. May I be that light that shines in this world guiding the lost to You. I love you my Lord help me please finish well.

We Seem to Always Turn Back

Scripture Psalms 85:8 I will hear what God the LORD will speak, For He will speak peace To His people and to His saints; But let them not turn back to folly.

Observation: I have my days that I give to God and do His will, but there are many more days my thoughts go to myself and my desires, I return to my folly. A day won’t go by that my thoughts and actions draw away from my Lord and I do what I want. Why isn’t what I want the same as what God wants? When I do God’s will I have joy and peace and whenever I don’t, I often regret those decisions, but yet I return to my folly. The Lord speaks to me, why don’t I listen?

Application: I need to live each day for the Lord and not for me. I own nothing and have no rights I’m a slave to Christ and need to act that way. I’m not a ruler but a servant and I need to be serving with a humble heart. I need to listen for the voice of my master and obey with no other agenda, but to fulfill the plan the Lord has given me.

Prayer: My Lord please forgive me for my arrogance and humble your servant. Give me a loving caring heart for others that I can point them to you. Speak to me and show me how to hear and obey. I give you this life freely, use it for your glory.

My Desire Is to Trust in You

Scripture Psalms 84:12 O LORD of hosts, Blessed is the man who trusts in You!

Observation: each day I fall into anxiety because of my lack of trust in God. God has always been faithful to me and yet I worry about the dumbest things. I tell others about how great God is and the miracles He has done in my life and then I go ahead and live a fruitless life because of my lack of faith. I’m not sure if it is because I never found anything in my life to trust so I have a difficult time trusting my Lord, maybe it’s the devil misleading me or most likely my own sinful heart. I miss my blessings because of my lack of trust and believe that God desires to bless me. Until I trust completely, I’ll never be complete.

Application: I need to get past my own logic and reasoning and trust in the Lord with all of my heart, mind and soul. He is the only one that I can trust completely and this trust must be exclusive to Him. I need, starting today, to trust Him in no matter what happens. I need to rid myself of the anger I have for some of the people around me and be the man God desires me to be and trust Him with the results. I need to stop worrying about so many things and do the best I can in glory and honor to my Lord.

Prayer: Dear Lord increase my faith that I will trust you with all of my heart and mind and lean not on my own understanding, but in all my ways acknowledge you and that you will make my paths straight. I love you Lord and with love I desire to trust you completely. Take this life and use it for your glory.