My Lord You Are the Most High
Scripture Psalms 83:18 That they may know that You, whose name alone is the LORD, Are the Most High over all the earth.
Observation: This Psalm is asking God to destroy their enemies and by doing so to open their eyes to His power. That is what it usually takes to open our eyes to God, something devastating happening to our lives. That we are down so low the only way to look is up. As long as we are strong in ourselves, we don’t look to God, it’s only when we are defeated and have nowhere else to turn, that we turn to Him. So maybe when we pray for protection for others it may not be in their best interest, maybe on occasion they need to be humbled to open their eyes to the Lord.
Application: That is the story of my life, I had to be defeated to the point and realize I had no strength left in my spirit before I surrendered to the Lord. I need to start my day surrendered and kneel down before my King and ask what He commands me to do on any given day. He needs to be the ruler of my life, not me and I need to be an obedient servant asking what He commands me to do. I need to learn my place in this life and be the best I can at that position.
Prayer: My Lord I humbly come before you and ask for your guidance. In my weakness you are strong. Please take over and rule my life that it may be lived in glory and honor to your name. I’ve been conquered and I surrender to your majesty show me how to serve my Lord that I love.